feed back report

Total Student Attempt : 597

Question Excellent Good Average Poor Very Poor
Status of syllabus covered in class 244 275 57 14 5
Ability to bring conceptual clarity and promotion of thing ability by teacher 252 283 47 8 5
Illustration of theory concepts with practical examples and applications 231 287 59 9 9
Teachers communication skill 304 247 34 6 4
Teachers approach of teaching 286 262 39 4 4
Fairness in internal evaluation 220 311 49 11 4
Teaching and mentoring process of your college 269 260 52 8 6
College provide platform for overall growth of students 249 274 55 11 6
Guidance by teachers for career development of students 285 251 46 8 5
Extracurricular activity in college to support overall growth of students 245 293 39 8 10
Quality of teachers support to identify and overcome your weaknesses 245 279 55 13 3
Uses of ICT tools by teachers 207 293 71 16 8
Sport facility of your college 246 279 47 10 13
Library facility of your college 236 264 65 14 16
Curriculum cover environmental and human right issues 225 287 64 10 9
Overall quality of teaching learning process of your college 270 271 43 6 5